Home Tech Updates Successful digital transformation in the hybrid era is about embracing shifting goalposts

Successful digital transformation in the hybrid era is about embracing shifting goalposts

by Helen J. Wolf
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As organizations embraced remote work, many found they lacked the infrastructure to support history’s first global tax test of remote work capabilities. Not only did companies not have access to the tools people needed to be productive, but they also needed solutions that allowed employees to collaborate and share critical information as securely as possible outside the firewall in the office.

Without the infrastructure to support a secure digital-first approach, ad far is short of meeting employee expectations. As a result, organizations have stepped up their digital transformation efforts, and those who have moved quickly benefit significantly.

Successful digital transformation in the hybrid era is about embracing shifting goalposts

When dealing with sensitive or commercial data, organizations need to invest in digital transformation for a variety of reasons. Chief among these is the need to stay competvariousng a world where employees increasingly expect the flexibility to work remotely. In addition, organizations must be able to work with information seamlessly and securely and avoid information silos that can be costly. By digitally transforming to address these issues, companies can gain stability and resiliency for the business while building agility for their people.

Flexibility is essential in attracting and retaining top talent. Organizations preparing for digital transformation before the pandemic need to step up their game to stay competitive when recruiting int must step capital transformation can ring alarm bells as a potentially costly process; however, by looking at the longer term, business leaders can see that the investment greatly contributes to function optimization, scaling, and stability of the organization. Return on investment can be significant if the company chooses the right solutions to address existing and potential challenges.

The goal of digital transformation should be to consolidate many different systems and datasets into one simple, easy-to-use system built with modern workflows in mind. The digital transformation process offers many opportunities to innovate and refresh the business logic, providing customers with a more modern and focused service offering and improving how employees work.

For example, a modern document management system can give users access to information based on what that information is rather than where it is stored. This functionality has become extremely important in the hybrid work environment. It means that people can access the data they need anytime and anywhere, keeping them productive while resolving security vulnerabilities.

Some companies are implementing a digital transformation project to improve efficiency or facilitate better communication between departments. This scoping process usually identifies other business processes that benefit from a more synergistic, company-wide approach. By leveraging solutions that enable the free and secure flow of data throughout the enterprise, organizations can amplify these benefits, pushing further back into the process of optimizing profits and finding new efficiencies.

Or a variety of digital applications and solutions to share, manage, and store sensitive business data. This includes but is not limited to, chat and video conferencing tools and enterprise content management systems.

Problems can arise when these projects are rolled out in installments without a comprehensive blueprint to get all the moving parts talking to each other. Too often, short-term costs decision-makers blind to long-term practicality.,, When this happens, decision-makers risk being unprepared to handle the modern business environment.

While digital transformation can be a big and potentially daunting undertaking, many organizations have realized that the costs of not transforming can be high. By choosing information management solutions that give highly high secure access to the documents and information they need, organizations can future-proof their transformation investment and prepare their businesses for a sustainable future of flexible working. This could be the key to continued success for the next decade and beyond.

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